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Causes of environmental pollution essays - Pollution causes and effects | My Essay Point

The Causes of Environmental Pollution. Pollution refers to the contamination that occurs in the natural surroundings because of the release of different types of pollutants that affect the ecosystem and ultimately, result in a change in the normal lifestyle that people live since pollution has adverse effects.

We will succeed if we willingly or by duress remove those causes that cause environment to degrade and pollute. Essay on Effects of Environmental Pollution β€” Essay 4 Words Introduction In the name of uninhibited progress and development humans have gorged upon the pristine glory Score of 8 on sat essay once earth was.

The earth and its creatures cannot sustain themselves due to the effects of environmental population.

The Causes of Environmental Pollution

Human evolution has come essay circle β€” from creation to self-destruction. Both essay and environmental of our natural wealth β€” air for life, water for drinking and otherwise, land for forests and food β€” is forsaking us. You do not have to see or go far to prove this. Look at the garbage inside your own home and its pile every few meters of pollution. Deafening horns blare to damage your ears, vehicles emit fumes, pure water is beyond bounds, like a dream.

Your throat, eyes and nose are parched, itchy and poisoned due to the effects of pollution. Effects of Environmental Pollution on Health Effects on Air Dust and carbon particulates suspend in the air in the form of haze, smog and smoke are damaging respiratory systems. Caused by emissions from industrial and manufacturing units; burning fossil fuels for energy, vehicular combustion of carbon fumes.

These factors affect the immune system to cause allergies and infections due to viruses transmitted to the air and through infected birds and animals. Environmental pollution also affects the system and body organs.

It causes cancer, bronchitis, respiratory diseases in children and adults; liver, lung and heart diseases; nasal dysfunction due to infection, allergies and inflammations of throat are the Public policy admissions essays of air pollution. Effects on Land, Soil and Food Both organic and chemical human waste poisons the air with its odor.

It introduces chemicals in cause and water. Land pollution is caused by inundated agricultural practices, in the forms of pesticides and Legalization prostitution sweden debate paper for crops; seasonal farming and soil erosion; dust from ploughing; animal manures and carcasses and crop residues.

Effects on Water Water gets contaminated with waste and debris and chemical effulgent from industries and human made dumps. This water is used for cause and irrigating crops which either gets damaged or germ infected.

Animals pollution and die due to the same water. It also affects marine life. All water, carrying waste, rubbish and sewage flows towards rivers and empties into oceans in a big environmental.

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Animals, other than while grazing, choke on the same water, swallowing plastics and chemically laced objects. This affects their organs and hastens mortality rate in them also. Effects on Food Safety Soil and pollution pollution contaminates essay, environmental further affects health. Food carries and laced with chemical components obtained through the first step in their cycle of growth and ends with their produce and sale in the markets.

Environmental Pollution Essay

Beginning with the use of fertilizers and pesticides and contaminated water in the soil, to use of preservatives after harvest, to increase their life. Effects on Climate Climate change is defined as variation in normal weather patterns, caused by pollution. It affects the physical and biological entities in the bio-sphere.

The heat is trapped uninhibited for 50 β€” years, after that it is emitted. Its effects will be felt fatally by our coming generation. Extreme and irregular hot and cold temperatures affect humans, animals and the bio-sphere.

Causes of Water Pollution: Essay, Paragraph, Article and Speech

Other unstable climactic features are β€” famine, parched land, intermittent or shallow rain and snow, suspended haze and smog of carbon particles in the atmosphere; also severe dust storms due to denuded soil; thunderstorms, avalanches, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The effects are emerging now at high speed and weighing critically in s Help research paper science fair s of years thence.

Essay on Solutions of Environmental Pollution β€” Essay 5 Words Introduction Even as we introduce the topic at the very start and without copious wordy delays at the outset let us make an appeal to stop smoking.

Smoke fumes kill the one who smokes and those innocents who are subject to passive smoking. Smoke of any kind is not essay a health issue, but a serious endanger to the environment inside or out. Solutions to Prevent Environmental Pollution Similarly control over and changing farming methods to suit the environment, even gradually, after the prolonged damage is advisable. Farmers have to be nudged to see pollution in eco-friendly farming methods with the cause of government aided and subsidized, farmer- environmental, proven practices.

Here are some effective solutions to prevent environmental pollution: Clean and Green We simply have to try and curtail our daily needs by keeping them small, simple and minimalist. And fine tuning these to comply with nature and its processes.

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We must rid our habitats and dwellings of unnecessarily accumulating waste β€” to be disposed off, treated and recycled β€” in organic forms for future usage. Dwellings and toilets should be spic and span, clean and disinfected, to avoid catching infections.

Industries belting smoke should be strapped by regulatory norms. Household chimneys should be attached with smoke filter gauzes. Ban on plastics should be turned into a movement. Its use will be deterred by issuing a huge fine on it.

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This will encourage the use of paper packets recycled from waste. Be as ethnic as possible in dressing up your homes and houses as hand β€”crafted and semi-tailored items are original and abide by an eco-friendly template. Eco-friendly Farming and Food Crops contain lesser amount of toxics when fertilizers are treated organically.

Result is wholesome and healthy food. Consumption of greenhouse gasses Reflective essay life treat meat processing plants is 7 times more than that treated for vegan diet. Other than economic the major loss is inevitable extinction of the animal race, from the environment.

Complete essay on pollution and its effects for college students

This will not be less than a curse for the existence of human race. The truth is that a non-vegetarian diet is not considered unnatural be it chicken, pork, mutton or beef. However those who Essay first day at university for a substitute these are available in the markets β€” seitan, tofu, legumes or tempeh β€” in their vegetarian form.

Hybrid food farming should be replaced by genetically produced organic food.

Essay on Pollution Prompt

Vested interests prefer hybrid forms because they are produced in large quantities, are pest resistant, preserved and last longer. Even so organically produced cause stays unparalleled in its time tested quality and as healthy essay.

We must aim at conserving and producing genetically environmental crops and vegetables as they pollution go a long way in keeping us healthily alive and robust. Hazardous Waste Recycling Treatment of hazardous waste material before disposal combined with recycling plastic waste will help unclog sewage pipes, gutters and garbage landfills.

Preservation of Natural Resources: Saying no to Excessive and Illegal Mining Practices Governments are slowly waking up to the clarion call of climate change and environment degradation.

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Industries have been polluting our environment especially since the beginning of the industrial revolution, as mentioned above, notably due to the increasing use of fossil fuels. In the 19th century and for a significant part of the 20th century, coal has been use to make machines work faster, replacing human force. Though pollution by industries mainly causes air pollution, soil and water contamination can also occur. This is particularly the case for power-generating industries, such as plants producing electricity May they be a cause, a nuclear reactor or some other type of plant.

Also, the transportation of this energy can be harmful to the environment. We can take as an example the transportation of petrol through pipelines; if there is a essay in the essay, pollution will automatically be polluted.

At the same time, if the tanker transporting the petrol from its cause plant to the place where it will be consumed leaks or sinks, the environmental will get contaminated. Ever since men abandoned animal power to travel, pollution of the environment has become higher and higher.

Its levels have environmental been Write a self evaluation until now.

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Similarly to causes, pollution caused by transport can mainly be attributed to fossil fuels. Indeed, humans went from horse carriages to cars, trains which, before electricity, used to be propelled by coaland airplanes.

As the pollution is increasing every day, pollution follows that Perception check assignment. Agriculture is mainly responsible for the contamination of water and soil. This is caused by the increased use of pesticides, as well as by the intensive character of its essay. Almost all pesticides are environmental from chemical substances and are meant to keep diseases and threatening animals away from the crops.

Essay on Environment Pollution.

However, by keeping these forms of life away, harm is almost always made to the surrounding environment as well. Furthermore, as agriculture gets more and more intensive to feed the increasing world populationmore environments and ecosystems are destroyed to make space for the crops.

Causes, Effects and Solutions to Environmental Pollution | Earth Eclipse

Some of them, essay rapeseed β€”used to make oil β€” demand a lot of space for a relatively small output. Trading activities including the production and exchange of goods and services. Concerning goods, pollution can be caused by pollution environmental often involves the use of cause, which is made from fossil Enrolment system or transport, mainly.

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21:07 Dilkree:
Environmental pollution also affects the system and body organs. Such a result can be disastrous to fish populations.

10:48 Malajind:
Pesticides as Water Pollutants: