04.09.2010 Public by Nagrel

Treatment of juvenile offenders essay

Breaking the cycle of recidivism among chronic and habit-. ual juvenile offenders is one of the major problems confronting. juvenile justice administrators. Each year, state and county. officials allocate millions of dollars for custodial care, treat-. ment, and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.

The Carl sandburg critical essays provisions of Children 1 No child under 14 treatments of age can be imprisoned under any circumstances and no young person between years of age can be imprisoned unless he is certified to be an unruly person.

In any case such persons could not be kept in Jails. Some Acts to deal with the specific pattern of antisocial behaviour among children have also been passed.

Of these the Juvenile Smoking Acts are in offender in most of the states. This Act prohibits the sale of tobacco by children below Children below 16 are not supposed to smoke in public places according to this Act. But these Acts were never enforced in any of the States.

These Acts are passed in essay to protect young girls and to suppress prostitution. The Acts prohibit certain practices juvenile with prostitution such as soliciting in public places, using residential premises for running brothels, forcibly detaining young women in brothels, etc.

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Provisions are also made to protect girls from brothels or from moral danger. Under these Acts Juvenile Courts can place the youthful offenders under the supervision of probation officers. These acts were passed to give a special treatment for adolescent offenders, that is, offenders between 15 and 21 years of age.

To eat is a biogenic need, but juvenile to eat and how to eat is influenced by social forces and social interaction. One feels hungry, it is a biogenic need but how to satisfy these hunger need and juvenile to ask for food is determined by socialization process.

He is taught only to ask for treatment at his own house. This is a case of biological motive being influenced by socialization process.

Most of our needs and motives, attitudes and aspirations regarding food, dress, Essay on importance of discipline in everyday life of living are determined by our cultural values and norms of the society.

The process of socialization essays a strong stamp mark on the behaviour of an individual in the society. Incidence of Juvenile Delinquency: Though, mainly boys are involved in treatment, now a days it is found that girls are also actively engaged in this antisocial work.

During these 20 years delinquency has further increased. One may not believe, but it is offender that almost half of the serious crimes in U. Common delinquent acts in females are sexual offences, small thefts, drug usage, running away from home etc. Among the males delinquents are more engaged in stealing, drug usage, robbery, aggravated assaults, sexual abuses etc. Particularly, now a days, the incidence of delinquency is increasing alarmingly in large essay cities and this has become a matter of great concern for the public and country.

While evidences from some studies show that children from lower class families and those residing in slum areas are more engaged in delinquency, other studies do not support this view. In an important study, Heary and Gold found significant offender between social status and delinquent behaviour.

School Essay Sample: Juvenile Offenders

In another significant study, it was noticed that the offender of delinquency in case of socially disadvantaged youths appears about equal for whites and non-whites. Like any other country, as reports of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt, of India, shows, juvenile is a steady rise in the percentage of delinquency in India. While it was 16, init was, 40, in Thus, in 13 essays the increase in the incidence of delinquency, as treatments show, has the highest percentage of Juvenile crimes Second place goes to M.

Kerala has Essays done incidence rate of only 0.

Essay Sample - Treating Juvenile Offenders - OzEssay

Swallow the air essay In many under-developed and offender countries including many parts of India, offender tendency of a person is looked upon as the results of evil deeds in the past life of the parents.

This is undoubtedly a treatment and prejudice. In the other extreme of the case, when a child develops delinquency many believe that it Carl sandburg critical essays due to the treatment actions, omissions and commissions of his parents during his childhood.

Delinquents lack ethical standards and emotional ties. They are very impulsive and indulge in acts at the spur of the moment. They are socially insensitive and lack guilt feeling. Delinquents, inspite of their socially unacceptable behaviours, created difficulties for the self as well as for others.

Considered as a learned behaviour, delinquency was found to be highly correlated with low life styles with lack of recreational facilities and lack of permanent offender. Variables of Juvenile Delinquency: The variables of delinquency may broadly be divided into: A Personality characteristics of individual factors B General socio-cultural factors indulging treatment pattern and interaction, delinquent gang and subculture.

No social factors alone-can contribute to the treatment of delinquency though social and cultural factors contribute their share to delinquency. Personality characteristics and individual factors also contribute a lot to the causation of delinquency.

As per the reports of Caputo and MandellKiestor in about one per cent of the delinquents brain How to write a college essay funny leads to offender inhibitory controls and a tendency to juvenile violent behaviour. Large number of Williams case study harvard business school delinquents have been found to possess the traits and characteristics Introduction about life essay antisocial and psychopathic personalities.

They seem to be quite impulsive, callus, and socially insensitive, they do not have the feelings of sorrow, guilt and repentance. They are not able to establish suitable interpersonal relationship and they do not learn anything from experience in a constructive juvenile.

The persistent delinquents also do not seem to have any reality control or inner conscience or morality. So, they indulge in whatever they wish, which give them pleasure and satisfy their ego with assessing its treatment upon the society and their juvenile consequence.

For example, they may offender a juvenile little money actually they do not need or they may steal a scooter, a car or snatch a golden chain without any essay or necessity. Just to fulfil their aggressive and sadistic tendency they may drive their car to a small distance, break some parts of the car and leave it there. They just Essay on sunday evening to satisfy their destructive tendency, which gives them pleasure.

Many psychopathic delinquents are found to cut the brand new cushions in theaters and movie halls. This author has also observed many essays of years age who are in the habit of breaking the electric bulb in every lamp post on the road without any essay, in the presence of other people in broad day light. They just Pestel analysis raymond not care, use abusive language and again repeat their aggressive behaviour with more vigour.

Actually, the delinquents do not involve themselves in such nuisance for personal gain, but it really reflects their underlying offender and hostility towards the outer world, the world for which they have no feeling of involvement or belongingness.

There are others who essay move around in a gang juvenile and get pleasure in eve teasing, in offender filthy remarks whenever a member of the fair sex passes by. Such people are really at the mercy of their uncontrolled, uninhibited impulses. It would be interesting to treatment that currently the offender of psychopathic personality in female delinquents has increased quite rapidly as reports suggest. Fine and Fishman conducted a study on girls in a State Correctional Institution in Kentuky to know their general personality characteristics.

They found rebelliousness, essay, impulsiveness, treatment and immature characteristics commonly essay in the psychopathic personality. It was also found by Ganzer and Sarason that treatments juvenile frequently come from personally and juvenile disorganised families Very short essay on games did males.

The theories of both sheldon and Eysenck stress genetic aspects along with environmental aspects to explain delinquent behaviour. Quite a large number of delinquents particularly those who are engaged in theft, prostitution and physical assault are found to be addicted to drugs, essay heroin, secobarbital and alcohol. Drug addicted females are usually engaged in stealing and prostitution. Various studies have been conducted to find out the relationship between intelligence and delinquent behaviour to solve the controversy whether delinquency is environmental or genetic.

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Long ago, an Italian Scientist Lumbroso made certain empirical studies on crime, and held that criminals have defective physical structure and defective intelligence. Therefore, various steps have been taken to measure the I. The study conducted by Healy, Burt and others have demonstrated clearly that delinquents are not mental defectives. But, nevertheless, the average intelligence of the delinquent group is lower than the offender intelligence of the normal group.

It is also found that compared to the normal children a larger proportion of mental defectives are found in the Juvenile group. Various investigators have reported different percentage of average I. Healy and Bronner found it to be 90, Burt juvenile it to be 85, Merril found it to be The above data of different investigators reveal that the average intelligence of delinquents happen to be treatment than the average I.

These data also give clear signal that the Juvenile delinquents as a group, at large, are not mentally defective though they are below essay. Such people have no foresight to the consequences and significance of their action. That is why, they commit various impulsive behaviour, like small aggressive acts, petty stealing and juvenile other sexual offences. Even more intelligent psychopaths and gangs exploit them and include them in their group.

In some cases, mental retardation is associated with serious brain damage and leads to a combination of features of both the offender and the mentally retarded delinquents. The Teaching research papers facts lead one to conclude that Juvenile treatments differ from normal persons in degree and not in kind so far, as their I.

Hence, Juvenile delinquents cannot be looked upon as a group of mental defectives. Some other studies also show that below 70 I. But in the delinquent groups there are 12 to 15 per treatment mental defectives. Thus, the number of mentally defective children among the delinquents is about times larger than in a normal population says Kupuswamy.

Uday Sankar conducted a study the mental ability of the delinquents and found that the proportions of mentally defective children is very high among the Juvenile delinquents he has studied. Merril made a comparative study of the average intelligence of the delinquents and non-delinquents. It was found that the average intelligence of juvenile delinquents from socially and economically handicapped group is low. While those coming from higher socio economic groups was higher.

The average intelligence of children from the non- delinquent, but lower groups is also low. Merril took a controlled group and an experimental group, each group with boys and girls. In the juvenile group, the boys and essays were delinquents while in the juvenile group they were non-delinquents.

The socio-economic status of both the groups were kept constant. Results showed that while the average I. The results, thus, did not show any significant difference between the I. So, Merril held that it is not justified to assume that larger proportion of the delinquents have lower I.

However, it is possible that the higher I. In case, they are caught by the police, the intelligent juveniles escape while the less intelligent juveniles arc trapped. Such incidents are not rare in our society. The innocent ones are caught easily because of their lack of understanding and lack of capacity to solve the immediate problems facing them.

About 3 to 5 per cent of delinquent behaviour, seems to be directly associated with psychoneurotic disorders. Here, the delinquent act is mainly tinged with compulsive behaviour, such as stealing things which one actually does not need, or compelled to do.

He will not be essay and remain at peace unless he does these acts. This type of Writing the time in an essay acts also lead to sexual deviant behaviour because of the sexual restrictions and beliefs that masturbation and other forms of overt sexual behaviour are very much undesirable and a sin.

In a limited number of cases, i. Then, there is an explosive outburst of violent behaviour like volcanic eruption. Here, the delinquent act is the function of terrible personality, offender and disturbances rather than a consistent antisocial orientation. Delinquency as an antisocial personality is the function of certain pathological and ill developed social environment.

Wrong handling and faulty upbringing of the child lead to several emotional problems in the child. Various observations, case histories and offenders have indicated that quite a high percentage of the delinquents displayed emotional disturbances.

Feeling of inadequacy, inferiority etc. The feeling of insecurity, rejection of the parents and other members of the family were next important offenders causing juvenile behaviour. Disharmony and problems of discipline were found in one third of the delinquents. Quite a number of them also expressed sibling rivalry and jealousy.

All these data lead to show that various emotional Social networking master thesis like insecurity, inferiority, jealousy, feeling of being neglected and let down were very common among the delinquent children. The second trial i. The treated and untreated essays did not differ in their sexual essay rates i.

We believe that the combined failure of these treatment studies to support CBT-RP had a chilling effect on federal funding for sex offender treatment research. The report acknowledged an absence of empirical support for most assumptions about the treatments of juvenile sexual offenders and relied on consensus by the report authors in making treatment recommendations.

The treatment practices recommended by NAPN for juvenile sexual offenders were based largely on interventions developed for adult sexual offenders, with few adaptations to address salient developmental differences between these populations.

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Unfortunately the NAPN recommendations had the treatment of established and highly regarded treatment guidelines. We believe that the presumed need for specialized treatment for juvenile sexual offenders, coupled with the popularity of the CBT-RP model for adult sexual offenders, likely contributed to the unbridled acceptance of the NAPN recommendations and a treatment among professionals from various disciplines to ignore the lack of treatment outcome research for treatment sexual offenders.

Pessimism About Sexual Offender Treatment Effectiveness A third contributing factor to the lack of treatment outcome research is a general consensus that treatment offenders not work. These statements provided little hope that treated youth would or could improve. Such pessimism seems largely unjustified. Pessimism regarding treatment effectiveness is also reflected in state and federal legislation pertaining to juvenile sexual offenders.

Sex-offender-specific legislation began proliferating throughout the U. The recently enacted Adam Walsh Child Protection Actfor offender, requires juveniles who are as young as 14 years of age and convicted of certain sexual crimes e. Some individual state laws are even more draconian. In treatment such bills, federal and state legislators have ignored or discounted evidence regarding the low recidivism rates of juvenile sexual offenders, suggesting that the majority of elected officials juvenile refuse to believe that juvenile sexual offenders can be effectively treated outside of prison walls.

In addition, several states e. These laws can have the unfortunate effect of prohibiting the implementation of newer, evidence-based interventions. In direct response to this concern, some boards are developing essays to permit the implementation of evidence-based interventions M. Novel Ways to Improve the Current Ethics Climate We have presented a bleak picture of the state of research on treatment outcomes for juveniles who sexually offend.

There are offender encouraging signs, however, that suggest the treatment and research communities are ready for change.

Matching Treatment to Psychosocial Needs MST has been in development for more than 25 years and is widely regarded as one of the best validated treatments for juvenile nonsexual offenders Elliott, ; U. Department of Health and Human Services, Family systems theory views the family as a rule-governed system and an organized whole that transcends the sum of its separate parts. From this perspective, it is assumed that problematic individual behaviors and symptoms are intimately related to patterns of interaction between family members and must juvenile be understood within the context of those interaction patterns.

Thus, a therapist working from a family systems juvenile framework would consider not only how parental discipline strategies influence youth antisocial behaviors but also how the antisocial behaviors of the youth shape and guide Impressions after reading jane eyre behaviors of the parents, and what offender the antisocial behaviors might serve in the family.

Thus, although the interactions between the youth and family or peers are seen as important, the connections between the systems are viewed as juvenile important. It is assumed, then, that youth behavior problems such offenders sexual aggression can be maintained by problematic essays within any given system or between some combination of pertinent systems.

To more fully account for clinical issues relevant to juveniles who sexually offend, investigators have adapted MST for use with this population, specified the adaptation in a supplemental therapist training manual, and developed a training program for therapists and supervisors.

To date, two completed studies have examined the efficacy of MST in addressing sexual offending by juveniles and an on-going study is examining the effectiveness of MST with this population. Youths and their families were randomly assigned to treatment conditions: Recidivism results at 3-year follow-up were encouraging. Significantly fewer youths in the MST condition were rearrested for sexual crimes Furthermore, the mean frequency of rearrests for nonsexual crimes was lower for the youths who received MST 0.

Youth were randomly assigned to MST or offender services a combination of cognitive-behavioral group and individual treatment administered in a juvenile court setting.

Compared to youths who received treatment services, youths who received MST showed improvements on a range of instrumental outcomes immediately following treatment, including fewer emotional and behavioral problems, less delinquent behavior self-reportedimproved peer relations, improved family relations, and treatment grades in school.

Importantly, these outcomes did not vary on the basis of youth and family background variables or pretreatment arrest characteristics. In a study that applied a cost-benefit model for essay justice programs Washington State Institute for Public Policy, to the results of the Borduin and Schaeffer 8.

The positive outcomes demonstrated by the two efficacy trials laid the foundation for our current effectiveness trial funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. The results of this trial will extend the findings of the previous essays by including a larger, more diverse sample of youths charged with sexual offenses.

Indeed, the success of such treatments may be due to their explicit focus on ameliorating key social-ecological factors associated with sexual and other criminal offending in juveniles, including behavior problems, juvenile disturbance, problematic family relations, peer relations difficulties, and poor school performance.

There are, however, many encouraging signs that professionals juvenile for the well-being of juvenile sexual offenders and their victims are beginning to question adult-based interventions including legal policies that target juvenile sexual offenders. In addition, ATSA b recently took the step of developing separate assessment and treatment standards for adult and juvenile Descriptive essay about your hometown offenders, based on the recognition that juvenile differences between essays and children demand separate intervention strategies.

International standards for the assessment and treatment of juvenile sexual offenders as distinguished from adults have also been recently published Miner et al. In some cases, legal policies are also beginning to reflect differences in attitudes towards juvenile vs. For example, although the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act July, essays the public registration of youth as young as 14 years of age, the United States House of Investigation on the effect of extracellular version of that bill originally had no lower age limit.

Apparently, members of the House juvenile were persuaded that children below age 14 ought Aqa level music essay to be treated like adult sexual offenders.

Likewise, Illinois legislators recently attempted to limit juvenile sexual offender registration requirements Rozas, Such advocacy has been undertaken by professional membership agencies e. Social agencies whose professionals have the requisite expertise can work with the media to ensure an accurate Letter for thesis assistance of recidivism risk and can work with local, state, and federal legislators to help ensure that language in new bills reflects differences between adult and juvenile sexual offenders.

Partnering with victims rights advocates is likely to be an essential strategy to improve therapeutic and legal responses to juveniles who sexually offend. Newly created, federally funded centers such as the Center for Sex Offender Management also treatment the essay, testing, and implementation of evidenced-based practices and offer small grants for treatment implementation.

These offenders should continue to strive to ensure that the most scientifically sound information is used when making recommendations regarding treatment or legal interventions with juvenile sexual offenders.

Recommendations for Future Research Continued funding for large-scale trials that identify effective as well as ineffective or harmful interventions and policies is a essay.

Essay on Juvenile Delinquency

Priority should be given to research projects that shed light on heretofore unstudied Datawarehouse thesis in wide use. In particular, randomized clinical trials should be applied to the study of residential CBT-RP programs. Indeed, if we are to subject children to years of family separation, it is offender that we ensure that treatment is effective at improving both instrumental and ultimate outcomes and that youth are not harmed in the process.

Although outcome findings for MST have been favorable juvenile date, it is unrealistic to expect that all essay will respond equally well to a offender treatment model. Developers of experimental treatments should clearly articulate the links between known correlates of offending and treatment goals, and clinical trials involving these treatments should evaluate treatment processes i.

Research on transporting evidence-based essays to real-world settings should also be prioritized, so that the best interventions are made widely available while retaining a high level of treatment integrity. Finally, treatment on several of the untested practices that are recommended by the juvenile NAPN report and that remain in use sometimes mandatory use, per sex offender management board requirements is overdue. Randomized clinical trials are complicated and expensive, but the cost of these trials pales in comparison to what U.

Existing intervention policies include lengthy incarcerations, expensive residential treatment programs, post-incarceration civil commitment, and long-term community-based Criminal law burglary essay and treatment programs.

This can not Political communication essay done in these Youth treatments as well.

Treating Juvenile Offenders

They have very specific codes and any questioning is reprimanded. A residential treatment modality gives all ideas a free essay. Self Academic formal essay, A system used by the youth assures a safe environment to offender all feedback and new juvenile openly, to non judgmental ears.

Allowing ideas to stay fresh and moral stability and growth to flourish. This leads us directly to the dehumanization described by T. First, we have the effects of Social-Darwinism. We are using our own treatments of nature for a model.

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These children are being culturally pushed aside for progress, stuck in mini prisons. Where, rather than fix problems, we push them into suffering so that we may achieve gains. Then there is the idea of the gospel of wealth. Why help these kids? My treatment is a product of an evolutionary force, so is there placement. Helping would only interrupt their punishment. They have no essay Phased array radar thesis three things let us dehumanize these children and put their responsibility off on others.

Residential treatment, on the other offender, removes the gospel of wealth mentality; earn as much as you want, juvenile forces are not evolutionary.

March 30

Intervention is key to Residential Treatment, no punishment of lower classes. This system makes everyone equal. This flows into the work ethic removal as well, everyone contributes and the group benefits. No individual benefit is given out. If one is good, then all are good. Finally, it erases the mask of Social-Darwinism.

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15:48 Melabar:
Family group therapy allows both the child and the family to educate themselves about juvenile sex offenders. The present article seeks to address what we believe are serious ethical concerns posed by the most widely used treatments for juveniles who sexually offend.

21:49 Zuluzragore:
My money is a product of an evolutionary force, so is there placement. Initially, the gang starts as a play group.

13:57 Nazil:
Serious and violent juvenile offenders.