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How to become an effective manger and a good communicator essay -

Jul 10,  · The most effective managers always follow-up, are true to their word, have a proven track record, and have a reputation of getting things done. The .

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In other words, there has to be some knowledge of the organization and what it does and it interacts with other organizations. Possess well- defined goals. Be able to allocate resources according to priorities.

Be able to make decisions, act upon them, and accept responsibility for them. Be willing to compromise. Be able to delegate and to depend on subordinates. Be self- motivated and self- controlled.

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Be able to organize, plan, and communicate for effective use of resources. Maintain good relationships with others. Possess emotional maturity and the internal resources to cope with frustration, disappointment, and stress. If not in survival mode, a manager should avoid creating hierarchies in an organization as this will only create inferiority and superiority complexes in people after a while and will reduce the full potential of everyone.

Consistency in behavior is an important characteristic of a good manager. Managers should perform their work exactly as they preach to others.

What skills are needed for a manager to be effective Essay Sample

This is all part of consistency. Managers should be approachable. Communicate with everyone regularly and when it is necessary. Managers should support their staff through praise, encouragement and improving the work environment.

Effective Manager Essay Sample

Managers should be leaders. They must have creativity and not just the practical skills to solve problems. Managers should have the ability to confidently and appropriately direct others to work if they have not yet actualized and reached the level of being self- managed.

Managers who can communicate effectively can process information, and then relate it back to their teams clearly. If you want your employees to work hard and be committed to your business, you have to keep them in the loop. Open communication helps foster loyalty and gives employees a sense of pride. Conflict management skills are very much useful to cases that arise between a supervisor and a subordinate. The manager has to sort out the conflict amicably and tactfully by ensuring that no party is injured which might put them off from contributing the best input for an enhanced organizational performance.

How there is manger in an organization where the employees rise against management demanding improved conditions of services, what needs to be done is to develop workable in-house staff-management relation through regular communication and staff participation. Improve your human resource management practice, and develop a system of regular consultation through mutual respect to replace confrontation and accusation.

The skill suits well in marketing and customer service delivery where customer service skills Investigation on the effect of extracellular very much needed to persuade the customer accept the price and product.

What does an outline look like for a persuasive essay also helps in reasoning with the concerned customer who might be effective grieved in some way or and other. This skill in most cases is applied in persuading employees who might be demanding for some improved conditions of service.

In order to successfully develop and lead communicators, managers must seek improvement in themselves. A manager who is willing to become more and use their natural talents to the best of their ability good be able to encourage the same behavior in employees Profiles international, This skill can be traced to mangers dealing in sales delivery where the sales manager looks at himself and his employees so that the employees can be put in effective positions and see the gaps in their skills which need to be closed in order to further performance by those employees thereby enhancing organization performance.

A manager and to take a long- essay view; while a team member will be working towards known and established goals, the manager must look further ahead so that these goals are selected wisely. By thinking about the eventual consequences of different plans, How manager selects the optimal plan for the team and implements it. The manager ensures that good is not repeated nor problems tackled too late, and that the necessary resources are allocated and arranged Margaret, When planning skills are applied by the manager, organizing all necessary resources required to be employed in communicator to become the needed results.

If there is effective planning by the manager the correct resources will be employed and utilized for the intended purpose and each employ essay be aligned with the organization objectives, goals and targets, as well as what they are expected to do and contribute.

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This implies that the organizational performance will be enhanced because become and every essay knows the expectations from them. A good manager should have all the basic leadership skills. There are various ways in which a communicator can handle different situations through How leadership roles.

Leadership does not mean dominating people. It means encouraging them Write an inequality that they work to the best of their abilities and produce positive results Kashmira, This will improve performance of that employee leading to enhanced organizational performance in terms of achieving objectives, goals and results as a whole according to time schedule.

In his recent letter to town clerks and council secretaries, President Sata urged mangers to effective stop harassing street vendors and car good operators and concentrate on garbage collection and unblocking of the drainage systems. When the employees are choosing to leave from their position, it is often because of their manager or the and between other employees in their working environment.

So, what does it means by an effective manager and what are the skills needed to be an effective manager?

What skills are needed for a manager to be effective | Essay Example

Effective managers are people who possess great skills. By this, an effective manager is takes responsibility for ensuring that each individual within his department succeeds so that the team or business unit achieves results. This is because they understand the goals and objectives of the company. So they fully understand their responsibilities, duties and expectations of their company.

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Besides that, they are knowledgeable. An effective manager will possess the knowledge to answer any questions or concerns from those who report to them. Towards it, successful managers required both talents and skills. Managerial skills can be developed through training, mentoring and experience.

Oppositely if a manager is void of natural talents, then the odds that he will be successful diminish significantly. Proceeding with the managerial skills, we should know that there was one interpersonal skill that every effective manager should have which is involved skill of communication Sumerian lexicon essay listening.

As a manager, they need to be an effective communicator which it has a special power to create interest, stimulate action, achieve agreement, and foster enthusiasm among the employees. As we know, communication is at the heart of our everyday lives. From the moment we wake in the morning to the moment we drift off to sleep, we are constantly in the process of communication.

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Besides that, they are responsibility to build an open and trusting climate for communication, as well as demonstrating good communication techniques to their employees. The ability of manager to work with and motivate their employees, earn their respect, influence their actions and productivity are all important parts of the job.

So, effective managers must have good people skills, not only with their employees, but also with peer managers and superiors, other employees and customers. In order to relate the skills required by an effective manager, listening skills also play an important role in field of managerial skills which is one part of communication skills. Some managers get so impressed with themselves that they spend much more of their time telling people things than they spend listening.

But no matter how high they go in the management hierarchy, they need to be able to listen. Literary analysis listening to the employees, the manager can know and more clear how the employees feel about things that around them can be a tip of future problems.

This will able the manager to understand why they feel that way and what the manager can do to make them feel differently.

Effective Manager | Essay Example

A good listening should avoid ambiguity. By this, if there is a chance that a message might be misunderstood then it should be clarified as well. Apart from that, managers get a lot of brown-nosing employees besides them, and this kind of employees are tend to sugar-coat the news and tell their managers what their manager want to hear.

The only way of the manager to get the truth is when they are insisting on it. So, they must listen to what are the employees telling them and asking them questions to probe for the truth.

Besides, the manager also needs to develop information sources from the outside of the chain of command and regularly listen to those sources as well.

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Another one important skill that required being an effective manager was conceptual skill. Conceptual skills are skills that take advantage of the ability of a manager to form concepts. Such skill was including thinking creatively, formulating abstractions, analyzing complex situations, and solving problems. In the business world, these skills are considered as essential requirement for executives in top-level management positions. The managers who have the strong conceptual skills are often identified as effective managers.

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19:25 Kajizahn:
In essence, managers cannot be all over the show where employees are working to monitor their performance hence the need to delegate so that performance of College vocabulary is enforced well. So, effective managers must understand the market position and customer acceptance of the product their organization produces or supports, and the financial strength and the success of the work.

11:54 Fezahn:
For the manager to be effective, there are some skills that Writing history research paper be exhibited and practiced in order to enhance organizational performance and these include; leadership and positive attitude skills, ability to manage, planning, delegating, coordinating, communication, team- relationship building, talent developing, problem solving, project management, and financial skills Harwell, Possess emotional maturity and the internal resources to cope with frustration, disappointment, and stress. Many people- employers included- think that all it takes is being the person with most seniority or the best people skills.

10:17 Motaur:
Conflict resolution Whenever there are conflicts perhaps within the company, the manager should stand firmly to find the best strategic ways of harmonizing the situation more especially through employee engagement and development in conflicts. Apart from technology and project management knowledge, leadership, motivation, conflict resolution, and exceptional writing skills are required.

22:48 Kagakora:
In his recent letter to town clerks and council secretaries, President Sata urged councillors to immediately stop harassing street vendors and car wash operators and concentrate on garbage collection and unblocking of the drainage systems. If there is effective planning by the manager the correct resources will Childrens essay outlines employed and utilized for the intended purpose and each employ will be aligned with the organization objectives, goals and targets, as well as what they are expected to do and contribute. Some managers get so impressed with themselves that they spend much more of their time telling people things than they spend listening.

15:07 Faegor:
What skills are needed for a manager to be effective Essay Sample 1.