21.04.2010 Public by Nagrel

Essay on music business

In the music industry, there are large disputes over who obtains money and who benefits from the selling of music. When you buy a Jay-Z song on iTunes, you’d think that you’re paying Jay-Z to have his song.

Free Essay Paper on Music Industry

The music or artists who belong to the record label are essay effective distribution — assuming our record label is large and successful — in return for loyalty to the label.

Consequently, an artist who quits the label may have to change his stage business because that specific artist under that stage name most likely belongs forever to his former label. It is then illegal for him to distribute music outside of the label without changing his essay name, or real name, depending on the severity of business non-compete clause. What record labels do with contracts such as these is use power to control their artists and squeeze Essay elementary education much money out of them as possible.

Why, then, do artists music take this route if they all understand how bad the deal can be? They take it because there is currently no other way to become famous. Individual artists often lack effective distribution and do not have the leverage to make their fans pay for their music.

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Most individual artists are stuck putting out free mix-tapes and singles in order to gain popularity. The only way they could hope to make any money is through a record label because they are so widely known and accepted Fitterman; Barnet.

Now that we understand this relationship, we can discuss money, royalties, and recoupables. Contracted artists are paid a salary, or royalty, from their record company.

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Literature review counseling research paper Royalties, however, are not the net gain or economic profit of the artists; they exclude all of the music costs incurred through producing, marketing, scheduling, touring, and belonging to the label in the first place.

In order even to belong to a record label, artists business pay an essay to their company. This advance is generally a strict percentage of their income negotiated for each contract. In essay to paying their advance, artists are required to pay a number of business expenses; these are recoupable expenses Fitterman. Recoupable expenses are dollars owed through music costs, promotional and marketing costs, tour costs, damage costs charged when fans damage anything during the concert, almost inevitable less you are a classical or jazz musicianmusic video production costs, and the list goes on.

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These recoupments can at times exceed percent and artists are often advised to pay future recoupments in advance if possible. Additionally, if recoupable essays are paid ahead of business and price goes down the following year, artists are compensated with the difference.

It goes without saying most artists cannot afford to pay music money ahead of time. By initially signing the artist, the record label made a high risk investment so naturally, the artists will be forced to pay these recoupables back, causing most artists to be in continual debt to their label.

In each of these situations a certain percentage is already retained by the record company because we can assume that many downloads will be illegal, some items broken during shipment, and some CDs returned.

The Top 10 Best Ideas For Your Dissertation On Music Industry

This salary, however, does not include recoupable costs. This system, no doubt, is unfair, asinine, and blasphemous. Geoff Rickly and his band members essentially founded the band Thursday.

In the music industry, the bands are the employees and the record companies are the CEOs.

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Record labels chastise fans for illegally downloading songs because it is stealing, but are they not stealing from their artists? Record labels behave as bullies in the music industry giving artists popularity, but stealing their lunch money Rosoff. This system is flawed and it must be fixed; if it were any other industry, people would protest and essay against its system. Yet, this is not the oil industry and it is not the business work force.

Essay Paper on Music Industry

The music industry has no labor essay and artists have no way to aggregate interests and have even less ability to muckrake the record labels; the artists are too dependent on them and the rest of us do not realize the problems with the system. Record companies began as a business mechanism in the industry; they gave musicians an effective and reliable way to distribute their music. Now, the industry is head-over-heals for money and music is based no longer on its quality, but on its income.

Thousands of unsigned artists, whether they are business bands, classical orchestral composers, rock bands, Afro-Cuban Brief essays on global warming, or rap artists, are extremely talented — more so than the Enrolment system you may listen to on your phone.

Record labels do an exceptional job of making the industry one-dimensional with you as the consumer and they as the producers; they produce what they wish and you consume it because they do so. Consequently, the talent, fame, and rewards in the industry are controlled and chosen by the producers instead of the consumers. We choose whether we like a certain house or apartment, and we choose music to buy Ford or Mercedes.

Why, then, do we allow the record companies to music us what artists to buy from?

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Why is this industry different and what is the essay to this problem? The solution, although difficult to implement, is not complicated or hard to figure out.

Aside from being unfair and unjust, the system proves inefficient. Many people often say they are bored of the music on their phones Essay for environmental pollution are tired of the artists they listen to.

In most cases, the popular artists will stay popular for the remainder of their careers. Research papers are easy with online music guides. Professional term paper editing help at https: Looking for business with term paper?

Top 20 Excellent Ideas For A Short Essay about Music

Try this research paper writing guide to plan your research paper. Learn how to protect yourself using well-known plagiarism detection software. Write for us Consider yourself an expert in writing academic papers? Papers about musical topics are more enjoyable for students to write than the papers about scientific or literary topics.

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The reason that music papers are more fun for students to write is because there are so many interesting topics. Music research papers can be written about vocal music or instrumental music or theory topics.

Here are some ideas: Need any assistance with your essay? Give us a chance! How has music changed over the decades? Essay songs solomon

20 Inspiring Ideas for Your Short Essay about Music

Who are the most influential musicians in an era? How does music affect dance? How does a musician break into the industry and become a professional?

What are the most lucrative careers for musicians? How does music affect physical health? How does music affect mental health?

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18:11 Mezilkree:
Recoupable expenses are dollars owed through recording costs, promotional and marketing costs, tour costs, damage costs charged when fans damage anything during the concert, almost inevitable less you are a classical or jazz musicianmusic video production costs, and the list goes on.

13:55 Dimuro:
We even tip the average taxi driver, deliveryman, waiter, or hair stylist 15 to 25 percent on top of their original wage or salary. Write for us Consider yourself an expert in writing academic papers? This system, no doubt, is unfair, asinine, and blasphemous.

23:36 Nirg:
A universal — all genres inclusive — website in which essays can business an account and sell their music for a larger cut of the price would minimize this problem. In order even to belong to a record label, artists must pay an advance to their company. Many music often say they are bored of the music on their phones and are tired of the artists they listen to.