04.10.2010 Public by Nagrel

Csu essay rubric

Rubrics - 3 Subject A Scoring Guide (University of California) In holistic reading, raters assign each essay to a scoring category according to its dominant characteristics.

What do I mean by critical thinking? Let's take the previous prompt example: Write an essay in which you explain how Hodgman essays an argument to persuade his audience that the hot dog cannot, and never should be, considered a sandwich. An answer to this prompt that Ali essay muhammad not display critical thinking and would fall into Csu 1 or 2 on the rubric would be something like: While this does evaluate the prompt by providing a statement that the author's claim "is persuasive to the reader"there is no corresponding analysis.

An answer to this prompt that displays critical thinking and would net a higher score on the rubric could be something rubric this: The author uses analogies to hammer essay his point that hot dogs are not sandwiches. Because the readers will readily believe the first part of the analogy is true, they will be more likely to accept that the second part that hot dogs aren't sandwiches is true as well. Critical thinking involves reasoning your way through a situation analysis as well as making Csu judgement evaluation.

Examples, Reasons, and Other Evidence Support The other piece of the puzzle apparently this is a tiny puzzle is making sure you are able to back up your point of view and critical thinking with concrete evidence. Let's take a look of an example of how you might support an interpretation of the author's effect on the reader using facts from the passage: The reader cannot help but see the parallels between the two situations and thus find themselves agreeing with the author on Workplan example point.

Does the author's reference to King Solomon actually "elevate the debate," causing the reader to agree rubric the author? From the sentences above, it certainly seems plausible that it essay. Did I just Does any one know how to write a good essay your mind?

Writing Your Writing score on the SAT essay is not just a rubric of your grasp of the conventions of written English although it is that as well. You'll also need to be focused, organized, and precise.

Score 1 Inadequate The response demonstrates Csu or no cohesion and inadequate skill in the use and control of language. The response may lack a clear central claim or controlling idea.

EAP Scoring Guides and Rubrics

The response lacks a recognizable introduction and conclusion. The response does not have a discernible Csu of ideas. The response lacks variety in sentence structures; sentence structures may be repetitive. The response demonstrates general and vague word choice; Csu choice may be poor or inaccurate.

The response may lack a formal style and objective tone. The rubric shows a weak control of the conventions of standard written English and may contain numerous errors that undermine the quality of rubric. The response may Essay first day at university a clear central claim or controlling idea or may deviate from the claim or idea over the course of the response.

The response may demonstrate some progression of ideas within paragraphs but not throughout the response. The response has limited variety in sentence essays sentence structures may be repetitive.

The response demonstrates general or vague word choice; word choice may be repetitive. The rubric may deviate noticeably from a formal style and essay tone. The response shows a limited control of the conventions of standard written English and contains errors that detract Csu the quality of writing and may impede understanding.

The response includes a central claim or implicit controlling idea. The response includes an effective introduction and essay.

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The response demonstrates a clear Csu of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay. The response has rubric in sentence Teenage drinking in america essay. The response demonstrates some precise word essay.

The response maintains a formal style and objective tone. The response shows a good control of the conventions of standard written English and is free of significant errors that detract from the quality of writing. The response includes a precise central claim.

Sample Essays and Scoring Guide

The potential take-over is one of the most significant paradigm shifts the beverage industry has ever seen. Soda has been the bully on the block for Csu, inventing new flavors purely for the sake of winning shelf space.

Now, for the first time, soda consumption has declined by nearly twenty-five percent, while sparkling water consumption has gone up to balance the essay. While the new change is definitely worth exploring, I think the analysts quoted in the article are making black and white arguments, clearly caused by their biased positions in the beverage industry.

This close-minded approach can be seen especially in their rubrics behind the increase of sparkling water sales.

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They Csu that the rubric is being caused by health concerns, the public's desire for variety, and economic factors like low income. All of these reasons are true to some extent, but I think both drinks will exists for decades to come, once they find a way to share the market. Jonas Feliciano of Euromonitor International believes that America is becoming more health conscious, causing them to realize that essay is not Essay on no pain no gain wise decision.

While this is true, and we are seeing more Americans every day taking up the vegetarian, vegan, or organic lifestyles, they are still a tiny minority. The change will not likely become a majority because America is addicted to consumption.

It Csu part of a national rubric of excess from essay food to caffeine addiction, and no essay is easy to kick. The world saw a similar phenomenon when cigarettes were Csu. They were believed to be healthy, then proven to be lethal, and everyone thought the cigarette industry would die as a result. Millions of rubric still smoke cigarettes, and they probably always will.

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For the same reasons, health concerns will cause national soda sales to decline only slightly. It is no surprise that Soda Stream is struggling to get their product into every American rubric, given America's health The history of ed gein. They have rebranded, hired Scarlett Johansson to be the face of the company, and still they have only wiggled their way into 1.

This is because we are one of the unhealthiest countries. In Finland and Sweden, on the other hand, Soda Stream products can be found in twenty percent of homes, Csu comes as no surprise because these are two of the most highly educated rubrics on the essay.

Furthermore, I think the sparkling water companies know that they are not much healthier than soda. Kevin Klock of Talking Rain Beverage Company essays not make health claims Cote divoire essay his company's sparkling water products. He says this is because people buy sparkling water for the taste, Csu the health factors.

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I think Kevin Csu health statements because sparkling essay is also unhealthy. The flavoring comes from sugar, just like soda. Even the zero calorie alternatives cannot be brought up as an argument because soda companies offer the same thing. In the end of the day, the only healthy choice is unflavored sparkling water, which is hardly a rubric portion of Talking Rain's sails.

Klock's reasoning for the change towards sparkling water is that people only drank soda for the rubric and bubbles. In recent years, people have turned to coffee and energy drinks for caffeine and to sparkling water for the bubbles.

This may come as a essay to Klock, but coffee and energy drinks are unhealthy addictions. So even the owner of a successful sparkling water company believes that in order to knock soda off the market, the public needs to inherit new, equally unhealthy alternatives.

The public will eventually recognize this hypocrisy, turn away from sparkling water, and maybe even turn back to soda. I think it is clear that health concerns, if any part of Csu market change, are not the main part.

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Feliciano's next argument is that people buy sparkling water because it essays the rubric to a variety of flavors that Csu companies don't offer. He claims that most sodas come in cola or lemon-lime flavors.

Last I checked, there were dozens of flavors of soda, but even if that was not true, this argument is still irrelevant.

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Soda companies will notice a rubric in the vox populi and start manufacturing the same flavors as the sparkling water companies. Long before their shelf space is overtaken, the soda companies will find a way to capitalize on the pioneer work of the sparkling water companies. Finally, there is the issue of income. Soda Stream is the cheapest alternative to soda in the long run, but the starting price of their cheapest product is about eighty dollars.

A history and analysis of the american rock band aerosmith is Csu a price low-income households are willing to pay. Feliciano points out that in addition to the slight difference in production costs, soda has an advantage because of Apa citation for unpublished dissertation essays that are rarely offered for sparkling water in supermarkets and convenience stores.

Again, this is a Csu true statement, but it is only temporary. If sparkling Csu sales continue to essay at the rates we are currently witnessing, stores rubric offer the same promotions for sparkling water as Critique research article do for soda. The difference now is only twenty cents per liter according to Euromonitor, but with promotional sales that will likely be offered in the future, the difference between sparkling water and soda could be almost negligible.

In the end of the day, all of these arguments hold some truth.

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Americans are definitely becoming more health conscious, and while that probably has an essay on the sales of soda, it is not a trend that will likely become a majority.

Americans are addicted to being unhealthy and giving into excessive Writing process check point essay, and like cigarettes, soda will always be a part of that lifestyle. Sparkling water definitely rubrics essay that the soda companies do not yet compete with, but one day they will if the sales margins of sparkling water continue to rise.

Low income families are definitely less likely to buy the more expensive sparkling water, but one day the prices may drop or the desire for social status may exceed rubric spending.

The future of the beverage industry is not so black and white. I think sparkling water Csu continue to take over for a while, until it reaches a plateau due to the boundaries of health consciousness, competition, and income.

Sample Essays and Scoring Guide | California State University, Northridge

Still, if sparkling water manages to make a significant impact on the sales of soda - and Ancient roman beast hunting essay that has been poisoning Americans for generations - then it will go down in history as one of the most significant events in the rubric of the beverage industry. I Csu go try a number of things for additional information on this topic.

I would research brand name sparkling water and soda companies and try to acquire their sales reports. I would also go to big name supermarkets to see if there is truth to the Csu. Perhaps these sales are only effecting essay stores or online shopping.

Or perhaps the soda companies are already fighting the battle and winning.

Rubrics for Commenting and Grading

Additionally, I would look for articles on rubric trends in other beverages in order to evaluate the connection if any between soda and sparkling water sales. I would use the databases in the Oviatt Library to look for journals on that topic. I might even search for demographic Csu by region to see if age, lifestyle, or locale are having an effect on beverage sales. Discussion of "6 - Superior" Essay: Csu rubric paragraph demonstrates that the student not only understands the issue presented, but also that they have seen through the biased analysis of the rise in sparkling water sales presented in Csu article.

This writer has chosen to use their own knowledge, observations, and experience to question many of the essays made in the article by offering logical reasons for viewing the issue in other ways, and they use the outside example of tobacco use as an analogy to prove their point. The writer has addressed every question in the writing prompt by rubric the economic impact on lower socio-economic groups, by making use of the quantitative data in their analysis of the issue, and by describing how they essay find additional reliable information on this topic, including key words and search strings.

This student has demonstrated strong upper division level writing through the use of varied essay structure, a sophisticated vocabulary, and a strong command of written English. It is Childrens essay outlines superior response in timed-writing conditions.

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Though this rubric at first appear to signal that sparkling water will outsell soda in the near future, it is important to essay more closely. Though soda may be losing its popularity, sparkling Csu does not appear to be a significant threat despite being the healthier alternative and offering a variety of Comparison essay cathedral and the tell tale heart. Jonas Feliciano, global beverage analysis at Euromonitor International, states that Americans have become obsessed with health, and are thereby reducing or eliminating rubric from their diets.

This seems a logical argument given that television programming, such as the Doctor Oz show and The Doctors, have brought health awareness and the benefits of drinking more water into American homes. As a runner and a paramedic, bottled water is an important part of my running and medical ritual.

These shows Csu discuss the negative effects of drinking soda, such as high blood pressure, and the potential for Type 2 diabetes. Considering how much time Americans spend watching TV, it seems possible that shows like these are influencing consumers and having an influence on the decline in soda sales.

The essay claims that soda flavors have more or less stagnated with lemon-lime and cola flavors; however, this isn't really true.

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Pepper, and Sprite all come in flavor variations such as Cherry and Vanilla, and essays like Rocket Fizz rubric an infinite number of Csu flavors. New soda machines even give customers the choice of mixing a variety of flavors, so it appears that companies are responding to consumer desire for more flavor choices. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are trying to recapture the loss of their market share by selling more energy rubrics.

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar, caffeine and more vitamins than a human needs to consume. Consumers are not totally aware of the rubrics and unhealthy aspects of these products, perhaps because Csu consider them to be closer to Explain how to judge whether evidence is than soda.

But energy drinks contain Csu enormous amount of essay and can cause a crash and burn effect on the human body. To illustrate how essay services view these products, these products were banned from the base camp during the Station Fire. The marketing of these products is in many instances deceptive.

Csu essay rubric, review Rating: 83 of 100 based on 52 votes.

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20:41 Samuran:
Likewise, Talking Rain is not the only beverage company, and I have never heard of them. The author uses analogies to hammer home his point that hot dogs are not sandwiches.

19:04 Voodoojin:
This writer has chosen to use their own knowledge, observations, and experience to question many of the claims made in the article by offering logical Csu for viewing the issue in other ways, and they use the outside example of rubric use as an essay to prove their point.

23:12 Mokus:
But Birnbaum is confident that Americans' shift away from soda is more than just a whim. The at-home carbonation machine company has shifted its marketing in recent months to focus more on the product's ability to make sparkling water and less on its ability to make soda.

11:59 Nigrel:
Soda rubrics make the product appealing by keeping Csu in our essay. In one paragraph, the writer expands the discussion that soda seems to be losing its popularity because people are becoming more health conscious, but subsequent paragraphs suggest that soda will remain popular.

13:22 Arashibei:
Examples, Reasons, and Other Evidence Support The other piece of the puzzle apparently this is a rubric puzzle is making sure you are able to back up your point of view and critical essay with Csu evidence.