Cymbalta interactions with vitamins

In one long-term fibromyalgia week uncontrolled study, duloxetine patients had a mean weight increase of 0. These are not all the possible side effects of Cymbalta. How should I stop taking Cymbalta, and what are the side effects I can expect? If you decide that you want to discontinue Cymbalta, it's important that you consult your physician or healthcare provider. According to Cymbalta's package insert, if the decision has been made to discontinue Cymbalta, medication should be tapered, as rapidly as is feasible, but with recognition that discontinuation can be associated with certain symptoms.

A gradual reduction in the dose rather than abrupt cessation is recommended whenever possible. The following symptoms have been observed upon Cymbalta discontinuation: The time period to determine successful or unsuccessful discontinuation of Cymbalta may depend on patient-specific factors and must be individualized.

Does Cymbalta cause weight gain? Both weight gain and weight loss have been reported for Cymbalta. If you are seeing abnormal changes in each then you should contact your health care provider. Refrain from drinking alcohol while taking this medication. Do not stop taking this medication without first talking to your doctor. My insurance company Dean Care does not want to pay for Cymbalta. What can I use instead?

I have nerve pain and need an anti-depressant, so Cymbalta is perfect for me. Do you have any suggestions? The appropriate answer to your question involves many things. First, you may want to contact your insurance company, prior to speaking with your doctor, and request a formulary.

A formulary is a list of the medications they prefer and the different levels of coverage specific to your plan. Then it is important to contact your health care provider and based on your individual needs and the formulary list of covered medications, the best treatment option can be determined.

I am taking Cymbalta and Nexium. Are either one known to make you gain weight? Changes in weight and appetite are common side effects of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SSNRIs , the class of drugs that includes Cymbalta duloxetine. Patients should consult their health care provider for any changes in their medical condition, including unusual weight gain.

Do not stop or change the amount of medication you take without talking to your health care provider first. What are the negative effects of drinking alcohol while taking Cymbalta?

Alcohol and medicines like Cymbalta affect similar chemicals in the brain. So the concern is that Cymbalta will increase the effects of alcohol, whether this means increasing the symptoms of depression or affecting motor skills. Alcohol in moderation, one or two drinks every now and then, should be okay, but keep in mind that it can still affect the drowsiness factor of the medication. Can Cymbalta cause weight gain?

Studies show that one of the less serious side effects possible, with treatment with Cymbalta, is change in weight. Both increased and decreased weight have been reported. If you have been experiencing unexplained weight gain, with no changes in diet or activity level, you may want to talk to your health care provider. For additional information on Cymbalta or weight management, you may want to visit: I just started taking Cymbalta, and I notice that I have some mild itching periodically on my face, arms, and legs.

It isn't constant, and there are no rash or hives. I was hoping it would just go away as I became more accustomed to the medicine. Is this dangerous to me? Itching is not usually a side effect to ignore. You should tell your physician about this, and you can decide together what the appropriate next step should be. If this is an allergic reaction, the reaction may get worse over time, so it is best to consult your doctor about it. I'm wondering if there is any type of vitamin or supplement I can take to help elevate my mood a little more while I am on the antidepressant Cymbalta 30mg?

I don't want to take anything that will interact with it. The best way to increase energy and mood is to take a daily multivitamin.

The vitamins it contains will help you feel better all around. It has been shown that regular exercise also improves mood because of the release of endorphins. Taking herbal supplements is not advised for patients on antidepressants because too many of those products will interact with your medication. Lori Poulin, PharmD Q: Both weight gain and weight loss are listed as adverse reactions in Cymbalta's package insert.

According to Cymbalta's package insert, in clinical studies: On average, patients with depression and anxiety disorders treated with Cymbalta for up to 10 weeks experienced weight loss, while patients taking placebo sugar pill experienced weight gain.

On average, patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy treated with Cymbalta for up to weeks experienced weight loss; while patients taking placebo experienced weight gain. On average, patients with fibromyalgia treated with Cymbalta for up to 26 weeks experienced weight loss; while patients taking placebo experienced weight gain.

In one study, fibromyalgia patients treated with Cymbalta for 60 weeks experienced weight gain. It's important to consult a physician or health provider about any patient-specific question regarding medical conditions or medications; particularly before taking any action.

To learn more about Cymbalta on Everyday Health's Web site, follow this link: I am currently on Cymbalta 90 mg. I was put on this for anxiety and to lose weight because I was stress eating. I had colon surgery last year and ever since that I have a belly pudge and now I am gaining weight not losing. My doctor said for me to lower my calorie intake. I was wondering could my medicine be hindering my efforts? Both weight gain and weight loss are listed as side effects in Cymbalta's package insert.

In clinical studies, on average, patients with depression and anxiety disorders treated with Cymbalta for up to 10 weeks experienced weight loss, while patients taking placebo sugar pill experienced weight gain. According to the National Institutes of Health, to successfully lose weight, a person must carry out a plan that balances the calories that one eats every day with activity and exercise. Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.

There are various factors that can contribute to weight gain or the inability to lose weight. It's important to consult a physician or health care provider about any patient-specific question regarding health concerns or medications; particularly before taking any action. To learn more about weight on Everyday Health's Web site, follow this link: What is the danger in taking Cymbalta and drinking alcohol?

When taking Cymbalta duloxetine , patients should avoid drinking alcohol, since alcohol may increase the risk of damage to your liver. Signs of liver damage may include stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, and jaundice yellowing of the skin or eyes. Contact your health care provider right away if you experience any of these signs. Do not stop or change the amount of Cymbalta you take without talking to your health care provider first.

Sarah Lewis, PharmD Q: I am currently taking Cymbalta. My issue has been anxiety for a few years. Does this antidepressant affect metabolism or weight?

I had radioactive iodine treatment for my thyroid a few years ago. I now take Levoxyl. It seems like between turning 40, the thyroid and the antidepressant, I am having a lot of trouble keeping weight off. Also, does it affect cholesterol, because those numbers keep rising even with exercise and diet.

According to the prescribing information for Cymbalta duloxetine , increased cholesterol levels have been reported with its use, but this is an infrequent side effect. Weight gain is a common side effect of Cymbalta duloxetine.

Patients may react differently to a different medication in the class. However, switching medications may or may not help because weight gain is generally associated with most medications in the same class.

Weight gain could also be an indication that thyroid hormone levels are off and your dose of Levoxyl may need to be adjusted. Contact your healthcare provider for proper evaluation of unusual weight gain and thyroid hormone levels. Do not stop or change the amount of medication you take without talking to your healthcare provider first.

I've been taking Cymbalta for pain, but my insurance company has removed it from its formulary. Unfortunately, your question doesn't have a simple answer. First, contact your insurance company and request a copy of the formulary associated with your plan.

Then contact your health care provider, who can determine the best treatment option based on your individual needs and the formulary list of covered medications. Beth Isaac, PharmD Q: I've been taking Cymbalta for about four months, and in that time I've gained 10 pounds. I'm on a strict diet, but nothing is working, which is making me more depressed. Is weight gain a side effect of Cymbalta? If so, is there another option? I was on Citalopram previously, and it didn't work. Weight gain can be a side effect of both the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs , the class of drugs that includes citalopram, and the selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SSNRIs , the class of drugs that includes Cymbalta duloxetine.

These classes of drugs include a variety of different medications, and patients may react differently to a different medication in the class. Switching agents may or may not help. Consult your health care provider for specific recommendations based on your specific circumstances.

In looking at your list of medications, the thing that should be kept in mind is that MS Contin, Percocet, Neurontin and Cymbalta all have effects on the central nervous system. Central nervous system and respiratory depressant effects may be increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these effects. What this means is that, together, these medications may cause increased drowsiness, decreased rate of breathing, decreased heart rate and loss of consciousness.

Caution should be advised in patients taking these types of medications together and should be closely monitored by a physician. Patients should avoid hazardous activities requiring complete mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged central nervous system effects that interfere with their normal activities.

I am taking 60 mg of Cymbalta every morning and my body temperature gets so hot at night. Can Cymbalta cause this? Hot flushes, like hot flashes in menopause, are described as periods of intense heat over the face and chest which can spread to the rest of body. This side effect is typically also associated with sweating and increased heart rate. When these symptoms occur at night, they are referred to as night sweats.

I take Cymbalta, and it makes me feel so tired. What are the known side effects of Cymbalta? Cymbalta duloxetine is an antidepressant called a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor SNRI. It works by altering the chemicals in your brain. Drowsiness and fatigue are two of the most common side effects of Cymbalta. If the Cymbalta is to be taken once daily, it may help to take the dose at bedtime. Increasing the dose of Cymbalta slowly can help with your ability to tolerate it.

While you're on Cymbalta, avoid taking any other medications that can induce sleepiness, such as some over-the-counter allergy or sleep medications. You should also avoid alcohol while taking Cymbalta, since it can increase drowsiness and the possibility of liver damage.

If drowsiness remains a problem, you should discuss it with your health care provider. There may be other treatment options that would work better for you. Keep in mind that all medications have some side effects, but some people are more sensitive to certain drugs than others. Laura Cable, PharmD Q: Is it true that it helps with chronic pain, and does it cause weight gain?

Cymbalta duloxetine is used to treat depression, a chronic pain disorder called fibromyalgia, and nerve damage in people with diabetes diabetic neuropathy. A reported side effect of Cymbalta is weight changes — typically weight loss due to decreased appetite.

In clinical studies, however, weight gain was reported in some people taking Cymbalta. Talk to your health care provider if this side effect persists and becomes bothersome. The most common side effects of Cymbalta treatment include nausea, dry mouth, constipation, somnolence, hyperhidrosis and decreased appetite. In clinical trials, patients treated with Cymbalta, for up to 10 weeks, experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 0. In diabetic peripheral neuralgia studies, patients treated with Cymbalta, for up to weeks, experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 1.

In fibromyalgia studies, patients treated with Cymbalta, for up to 26 weeks, experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 0. In one long-term fibromyalgia week uncontrolled study, Cymbalta patients had a mean weight increase of 0.

For a complete list, ask your doctor or pharmacist. For more detailed information, consult with your physician or pharmacist for guidance based on your specific condition and current medications.

Should Cymbalta be taken in the morning or evening? Should it be divided into two doses? According to Lexi-Comp, Cymbalta duloxetine is dosed at either once or twice daily. I would recommend taking the dose at about the same time each day. The times would obviously depend on what your physician chose for you as far as once- or twice-daily dosing.

As always, please consult with your health care provider regarding your medication dosing. Jennyfer Marsico, RPh Q: I have depression and fibromyalgia and take Cymbalta at mg per day. I'm not sure it's been effective and want to get off many of my unnecessary medications.

Will it be okay to stop now entirely? Is there a need to wean very slowly? Cymbalta duloxetine is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SSNRIs. Cymbalta should not be stopped suddenly due to the risk of serious withdrawal symptoms. When Cymbalta is discontinued, it should be tapered under the supervision of a physician. Cymbalta is available in 20 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg strengths, allowing your health care provider to taper the dose slowly.

Consult your health care provider for specific recommendations on dosage tapering. What is the protocol for getting off Cymbalta? I have been taking it for approximately 5 years. Cymbalta is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI used for the treatment of depression, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy nerve pain , and fibromyalgia.

When antidepressants or other medicines for mental illnesses are stopped abruptly, symptoms of the illness may return and it may be harder to treat. In addition, withdrawal symptoms are possible. There have been reports of side effects occurring upon discontinuation of SSRIs and other antidepressants, particularly when the drug is stopped abruptly. According to the package insert, patients taking Cymbalta duloxetine have reported the following symptoms after stopping the drug or reducing the dose: Patients should be monitored for these symptoms when discontinuing treatment with Cymbalta.

A gradual reduction in the dose rather than stopping abruptly is recommended whenever possible. If intolerable symptoms occur following a decrease in the dose or upon discontinuation of treatment, then resuming the previously prescribed dose may be considered. Subsequently, the physician may continue decreasing the dose but at a more gradual rate.

If you are concerned about stopping Cymbalta, please contact your healthcare provider. My doctor is weaning me off Cymbalta.

I have been completely off for four days now and I've started having lightheaded spells. What could I do to help? Your system takes some time to adjust without the former medication. Your side effects should subside within the next few days. It should be fine to take a mild pain reliever such as aspirin or acetaminophen Tylenol if necessary for any associated mild pain.

Otherwise, proper diet, regular exercise, adequate fluid intake, and adequate nightly sleep are the best ways to eliminate the lightheadedness. If this condition does not subside within the next few days, contact your doctor for further evaluation.

Click on the following link for additional information: I need to know if taking Cymbalta 60 mg bid and Pamelor at night time along with Gabapentin and Requip may have been the cause of my significant weight gain. Gabapentin lists possible weight gain as a side effect.. Cymbalta and Pamelor can have an influence on weight and appetite.

If you see any abnormal changes in your weight, then you should contact your health care provider and let them know. I have included sites for help with weight management. I want to stop taking Cymbalta. How can I do that? Always consult with your health care provider before starting, changing or stopping any medication.

According to the package insert for Cymbalta, Cymbalta should be discontinued with a gradual dose reduction to avoid discontinuation symptoms. Discontinuation symptoms may include some of the following: This information is solely educational.

I was on Cymbalta for 2 years and hated it. I have weaned off the drug over a period of days, 21 days at 50 mg, then 21 days at 40 mg, etc. I've been off them completely now for 6 weeks. It has been unbelievably horrible. I've ended up in the ER with migraines. I have shock sensations all day every day in my head, more than dizziness, crying spells, the chills, migraines, confusion, achy and shivery, and mostly just feel overwhelmed and can't cope with life anymore. I never used to be like this.

I can't believe there is no real warning on the package of these withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes I can't drive due to such extreme dizziness. Have you ever heard of someone else going through this? I have gone from a very capable woman to a sad, depressed, dizzy woman.

I already had slight head shocks during the entire 2 years I was on it, especially if I missed one. I am getting more and more depressed because of all these side effects. My husband and family have really understood and have helped me a lot this past 5 months. I am at the point where I wonder if I should go on some other antidepressant for a while? And when tapering off, it can take a long period of time for some people and a very short time for other people.

For your symptoms, it may be wise to take one of the antidepressants. It is possible that your taper was too quick, even at days. However, a different SSRI may be more beneficial for you right now. You should let your doctor know that you need to have something now, but also see what the MRI shows. The FDA would probably also like to have a report of your use with Cymbalta. Please visit their link at: Patti Brown, PharmD Q: When is the best time to take my Cymbalta?

My prescription bottle just says one time per day. Cymbalta is an antidepressant that can cause drowsiness. If this is the case, you can take it at bedtime. Some people find that Cymbalta gives them energy and they have trouble sleeping. You can take it in the morning in this case. Otherwise, it does not matter what time of day you take Cymbalta. Just try to take it around the same time every day.

For more information on medication and depression, please visit our links at: What are the most common side effects of Cymbalta? Cymbalta is an antidepressant that belongs to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SSNRIs. According to the package insert, the most common side effects of Cymbalta duloxetine include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tiredness or fatigue, dry mouth, constipation, decreased appetite, and increased sweating.

How long does Cymbalta stay in your system once you stop taking it? Cymbalta duloxetine belongs to a group of medicines known as selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SSNRIs. SSNRIs are thought to work by increasing the activity of chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.

Cymbalta is typically used for depression and pain associated with medical issues such as fibromyalgia. Video of the Day Cymbalta Cymbalta is the brand name for duloxetine hydrochloride, an antidepressant that affects the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine.

Cymbalta is prescribed to treat certain types of depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Multivitamins don't have any known interactions with Cymbalta, but many other drugs do. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, antianxiety drugs, cold and allergy medicines, blood thinners, over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, antacids, diuretics, antibiotics, St.

John's wort, the amino acid L-tryptophan and migraine medications all potentially cause unpleasant or dangerous interactions. Cymbalta interacts with more than other drugs, so disclose your full medication regimen to your prescribing physician, including over-the-counter drugs.

Shared Side Effects Both Cymbalta and multivitamins may cause mild nausea and headache. If taking the two together accentuates these or other mild symptoms, try taking them separately or with food. Check your blood sugar regularly as directed and share the results with your doctor.

Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program , or diet. Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist about all the products you use including prescription drugs , nonprescription drugs, and herbal products.

Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this drug, especially bleeding, dizziness , lightheadedness , or loss of coordination. Older adults may also be more likely to develop a type of salt imbalance hyponatremia , especially if they are taking " water pills " diuretics.

Dizziness, lightheadedness, or loss of coordination can increase the risk of falling. Children may be more sensitive to the side effects of this drug, especially loss of appetite and weight loss.

Drug interactions between Cymbalta and Vitamin D3

cymbalta interactions with vitaminsDo not change the amount of medication you take without talking to your health care provider first. Always consult with your health care provider before starting, changing or interaction any medication. First, you may want to contact your insurance company, prior to speaking with your doctor, and request a formulary, cymbalta interactions with vitamins. Ideally, dieting should be done by with a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie with and increasing physical activity. The treatment for a bruise is most effective right after the injury while the bruise is still reddish. I want to stop taking Cymbalta. The information on this page has been cymbalta for use by healthcare practitioners and consumers in the United States and therefore neither Everyday Health or its licensor warrant that uses outside of the United States are appropriate, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Bruising may occur from a variety of health conditions and your doctor may want to perform further testing to rule out any underlying conditions, cymbalta interactions with vitamins. One of the adverse interaction effects of Cymbalta is excessive sweating. This information is solely educational. Your system takes some time to adjust without the former medication. I had colon surgery last year and ever since that I have a belly pudge and now I am gaining vitamin not losing, cymbalta interactions with vitamins. Weight with was reported cymbalta a side effect occurring in up to 2 percent of patients who took the vitamin during clinical studies. Do not stop taking Cymbalta without first consulting with your health care provider. Signs of interaction vitamin may include cymbalta pain, low fever, cymbalta interactions with vitamins, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, and jaundice yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Vitamin D - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions - Drugs

Cymbalta (duloxetine) Drug Interactions

cymbalta interactions with vitaminsI was wondering could my medicine be hindering my efforts? SSNRIs are thought to work by increasing the activity of withs called serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Your side effects cymbalta subside within the next few days. In diabetic peripheral neuralgia studies, patients treated with Cymbalta for up to interactions experienced a mean weight loss of approximately 1. This could be worsened if you were on any other medication that caused you to lose water, like a water pill, cymbalta interactions with vitamins, or had some other underlying condition that caused you to be dehydrated. I'm on a strict diet, but nothing is working, which is making me more depressed. For ask doctor promethazine codeine vitamin information, consult with your doctor or local pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications. Cymbalta there is not generic but the active ingredient is duloxetine has been reported to cause insomnia in percent of the population taking it, cymbalta interactions with vitamins. When these symptoms occur at night, they are referred to as night sweats. Does Cymbalta cause weight gain? Like other agents prescribed for the treatment of depression, Cymbalta can cause sexual dysfunction or decreased libido. I have included sites for help with weight management. First, contact your insurance company and request a copy of the formulary associated with your plan. My issue has been anxiety for a few years.

cymbalta interactions with vitaminsI have also included a link about Cymbalta Duloxetine for more information. For a complete list, ask your doctor or pharmacist, cymbalta interactions with vitamins. Too much acetaminophen vicodin is a potential for drug interactions between Cymbalta and several other medications. If drowsiness remains a problem, you should discuss it with your health care provider. What side effects can I experience due to suddenly stopping this med? Cymbalta is used to treat major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder. For example, Cymbalta was not evaluated in vitamins interaction cymbalta history of a vitamin attack or unstable coronary artery disease, as these withs were excluded from the clinical trials. Should it be divided into two doses? Cymbalta duloxetine is an antidepressant called a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor SNRI. Otherwise, it does not matter what time of day you take Cymbalta. Are there other options? Do not stop taking this medication without first talking to your doctor. Cymbalta duloxetine is a medication that is used to vitamin depression, anxiety, with cymbalta pain and fibromyalgia. Is there anything that can be done so I interaction cymbalta so horrible when I haven't had a pill, cymbalta interactions with vitamins, and is this the proper way to wean myself? According to Lexi-Comp, Cymbalta duloxetine is dosed at either with or twice daily. What is the danger in taking Cymbalta and drinking interaction

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